I think I was in "Introduction to Philosophy". It was my first experience in a Dr Batts class. For those of you who attended LU, you know all about the CRAZINESS of a Batts class. The man LOVES memorization. His tests are like 10 pages long, single spaced, 12 pt font...all complete regurgitation. Yes, there are essays involved, but 85% of the test requires you to spit out everything he's talked about for the last month or so.
It was a jolly October 31st...Halloween to everyone in the class, except Dr Batts. He walked in wearing his graduation robes (which are more hilarious than any other professors...mostly because his mortar board is all poofy and not flat), proclaimed it "Reformation Day", and then gave us a talk on Martin Luther and the hanging of the 95 Theses on a church. He then passed out copies of "A Mighty Fortress is our God" and made us sing.
I don't remember one single thing about philosophy, but I will always remember that October 31st is also Reformation Day. Thanks Dr Batts!
Bachelor Grant Recap: You Mess With the Bull
10 hours ago
Wow. My favorite Dr. Batts memory is when Chad Emsweiler did his "how to" speech on fixing a broken toilet, and he brought a broken toilet from the junk yard and put it on Dr. Batts' desk as a demonstration. I'm sure you can imagine how pleased Dr. Batts was with that.
i had to grade those tests! i loved dr. batts :)
I had to grade them too...arg, the torture! I would rather have made Dr Dennis' color coded copies! I wonder if she's still alive....
I graded those tests too! Man, you'd think we'd have just swapped papers around after we took the test! Thanks for the reminder, that was a great memory.
I was remembering just this same thing on Friday, and feeling sorry for the kids who would have Dr. Batts for class that day. Singing "A Mighty Fortress" a capella? Awkward.
Being a math nerd I didn't grade any of his papers, but I got decent grades on mine, so thanks to the rest of you commenters who probably graded them. :-)
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