La estupidez humana es infinita, pobres animales, vestir a los perros va contra-natura.
Increíble, Dios ¿cómo puede haber gente así?, cuanta tontería, un pico y una pala y a ver si te quedan ganas de vestir a un pobre perro.
The human stupidity is infinite, poor animals, to dress the dogs goes against-nature. Incredible, God, how can thus have people, whichever triviality, a tip and a shovel and to see if you have left desire to dress a poor dog.
Wow. That's all I can say. Someone used these words to comment on my pictures of Liberty in the parade. Apparently, because I choose to have a little fun with my dog, that leaves me open for blatent attack on my own website. I did comment right after the coward, but I figured that most people probably don't read other people's I chose to bring this to light. I guess I am portrayed as a self-absorbed nutcase, for spending money and time on something that is not human. Wow. I take care of extremely sick kids for a living. I spend 36+ hours a week focused on something that is very stressful. I think I deserve a little break! Putting a silly dress on a dog and letting her be in a competition doesn't make me gives me an outlet for stress! Not caring about life...that would make me self-absorbed. Judging people on the way they choose to raise their children or act in public...that would make me self-absorbed. Putting myself first and not caring a lick about anyone else...that would make me self-absorbed. I'm just not like that. To you, oh brave soul, who chose to not even name yourself or speak in the language my blog is written in...Es una vergüenza que usted no tiene ninguna alegría en su vida. I have joy. Go find some! :)
Bachelor Grant Recap: You Mess With the Bull
1 hour ago