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Monday, July 21, 2008

In awe

WOWSERS. I now have crossed the halfway mark in my weight loss...and it's only been three months! I'll admit, I haven't had the smoothest journey, but I wasn't expecting it to be easy. After being puny and sick for so long, it's nice to be able to eat like I'm supposed to.

I crossed over one of my first goals this week. I've been waiting to see my weight go below 100kg, which it did today! My second goal is to see my weight go below 200lbs, something I haven't seen since I put on that "freshman 15" or in my case, the freshmen 30. I am SO SO close! WOW! Still can't believe that one.

Thanks for continuing to watch my journey and encourage me. It means more to me than you will ever know.


Rebecca said...

Yeah!!! Very exciting news. I am so glad things are better for you and you can enjoy this milestone and many others to come.

Lisa said...

Yeah, I am okay. What's your email?